Pilot Issue, March 1991

Preliminary Pages (pp. 1-2)

Foreword (pp. 3-5)

Provisional Editorial Board 

Toward a Strategic View of Peace Negotiations (pp. 6-34)

Omar Tupaz

Sorting Out Contradictions Pertaining to Iraq (pp. 35-40)

Jose Maria Sison

Third World Revolutionary Projects and the End of the Cold War (pp. 41-53) 

Joel Rocamora


Clarifications on Our Tasks (pp. 57-64)

Political Bureau, Communist Party of the Philippines

Politico-Military Struggle in the Main Urban Center (pp. 65-71)

National Democratic Front of the Philippines (Metro Manila-Rizal)

The Crisis in the Middle East (pp. 72-77)

National Democratic Front of the Philippines in the United States