The UP Diliman Handbook on Academic and Authorial Integrity

This project deals with violations of academic and authorial integrity standards, particularly plagiarism. The project looks into transgressions of perceived standards and commonly understood values for the proper attribution of ideas. The objective of the research is to look at the institutional responses of the University of the Philippines (UP)-Diliman to plagiarism. The expected source of such records will be the cases brought before the Board of Regents (BOR) as recorded in the UP Gazette and records of other disciplinary and investigative bodies duly constituted by the University. The project will also study cases that were resolved within departments and colleges and have not reached the BOR. Key informants, including but not limited to people who were given verdict to plagiarism cases, will be interviewed. The research will establish the extent, variety, and severity of the supposed acts of plagiarism and how UP Diliman’s responses to plagiarism committed by faculty members and students have evolved over time: from imposition of nonlegal, quasi-legal, to civil legal sanctions. Such data will then be read against existing legal, ethical, literary, and administrative discourses on plagiarism. The end product of the research is a handbook on academic and authorial integrity. In essence, this is a history of a concept and a practice embedded in the institutional history of UP Diliman.