Have We Honored the Marcoses Enough? An Inventory of the Memorials to the Marcoses and the Places Named After Them
By itself, from monuments to town arcs to...
Marcos Regime Research: Online and In Print
The United Nations University

Developing a Human Security Index for the Philippines: An Exploratory Study of Human Security in Conflict Areas
Funded by the United Nations Development...
Narratives of the Revolution: An Oral History of the Communist Party of the Philippines
The project transcribed and digitized tape...
Toxic Biopolitics: Tracing Risk Discourses in the Philippine Cosmetics Industry
This study traces risk discourses that shape the...
Cinemalaya and the Filmic Articulation of the “Filipino Experience”
This research project problematizes cinematic...
The Political Economy of Resources and Violence in the Philippines
The research project aims to explore the ways...
The “Marcos Truths”: A Genealogy of Historical Distortions
Research Abstract This project, funded through a...
Japanese Reparations and the Development of Philippine Railways, 1956-1976
Research Abstract Funded by the Sumitomo...
Visualizing the Casualties of the Drug War
Research Abstract The project which is funded by...
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