The TWSC has a long tradition of research on critical political economy, development issues, democratization, and governance. Research is focused on the search for progressive discourses and alternative paradigms. Guided by the principles of participatory research, the main objectives of the Center’s researches are to develop Third World perspectives on various issues and to translate knowledge generated in order to promote actions for change or to improve existing local actions. Central to this process of knowledge transformation is the role of social movements and civil society, which the Center works closely with.

Kasarinlan: Philippine Journal of Third World Studies
Kasarinlan is an internationally refereed journal published twice a year by the Third World Studies Center, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines-Diliman. It provides a forum for critical and interdisciplinary perspectives on the Philippines and the Third World with special reference to political economy.
Political Economy of Philippine Commodities
The book is a compilation of essays on the history, politics and economics of major agricultural commodities of the Philippines. It includes an abridged version of the Center's research on the banana industry, Alfred McCoy's "In Extreme Unction: The Philippine Sugar...

Marxism in the Philippines: Marx Centennial Lectures
The book compiles the different papers presented during the commemoration of Marx's centennial. The following essays can be found in the book: Francisco Nemenzo, "The Millenarian-Populist Aspects of Filipino Marxism"; Armando Malay, Jr., "Some Random Reflections on...