Benedict Anderson’s public lecture, “The Age of Globalization: Anarchists and the Anticolonial Imagination,” is drawn from his own similarly titled book. The Age of Globalization’s focus (is) on the final decades of the nineteenth century. The near simultaneity of the last nationalist insurrection in the New World (Cuba, 1895) and the first in Asia (the Philippines, 1896) was no serendipity. Cubans and Filipinos did not merely read about each other, but had crucial personal connections and, coordinated their actions – the first time in world history that such transglobal coordination became possible. But the coordination was mediated through “representatives,” above all in Paris, and secondarily in Hong Kong, London and New York. Both Filipinos and Cubans found, to different degrees, their most reliable allies among French, Spanish, Italian, Belgian and British anarchists – each for their own, often non-nationalist reasons. The book attempts to map the gravitational force of anarchism between militant nationalism on opposite sides of the planet. Following the collapse of the First International, and Marx’s death in 1883, anarchism, in its characteristically variegated forms, was the dominant element in the self-consciously internationalist radical Left.
The Age of Globalization: Anarchists and and the Anticolonial Imagination – A Public Lecture by Benedict Anderson