Global Civil Society Movements

Dynamics in International Campaigns and National Implementation



Anib: The Official Newsletter of the UNRISD-Philippine Research Team on Global Civil Society Movements (ISSN 1656-992X) provides information on the key developments in this on-going research. Anib, a Filipino word which has a meaning that ranges from direct participation in a movement or an organization whether as a member, an ally, or an affiliate to merely sharing the sentiment or cause espoused by a group. In other Filipino languages, like Ilocano, anib mean amulet or charm; in Ivatan, honor or repute; in Hiligaynon, an additional layer of material. In these different linguistic and cultural contexts, anib comes out as a word that invokes images of cooperation and power, of people willfully coming together to attain an honorable goal—characteristics that also aptly describe global civil society movements.

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Issue No. 1 - October 2005