The TWSC has a long tradition of research on critical political economy, development issues, democratization, and governance. Research is focused on the search for progressive discourses and alternative paradigms. Guided by the principles of participatory research, the main objectives of the Center’s researches are to develop Third World perspectives on various issues and to translate knowledge generated in order to promote actions for change or to improve existing local actions. Central to this process of knowledge transformation is the role of social movements and civil society, which the Center works closely with.

Kasarinlan: Philippine Journal of Third World Studies
Kasarinlan is an internationally refereed journal published twice a year by the Third World Studies Center, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines-Diliman. It provides a forum for critical and interdisciplinary perspectives on the Philippines and the Third World with special reference to political economy.

A Dr. David Wurfel Memorial
A memorial of Dr. David Wurfel’s life and work as an academic was held last 3 December 2012 at the Third World Studies Center Conference Area. Testimonials were given by Dr. Francisco Nemenzo, Mr. Joel Rocamora, Professor Felipe Miranda, Dr. Jose Abueva, and Dr....

South Africa’s Foreign Policy: A Vision for South-South Cooperation
“South Africa’s Foreign Policy: A Vision For South–South Cooperation” is a public lecture held last 25 September 2012 from 10:00 to 11.30 AM at the Department of Political Science Audio Visual Room, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy Faculty Center, University...

Ang Tama ba sa U.P., Tama Rin sa Bayan?
May Tubo ba ang Pagtulong ng UP? “May Tubo ba ang Pagtulong ng UP?: What Counts as Public Service in the National University” is part of the 2012 UP TWSC Public Forum Series, “Ang Tama ba sa UP, Tama rin sa Bayan?” This forum was held last 5 September 2012 from 9:00...

The Occupy Movement and Anarchism
“The Occupy Movement and Anarchism: A Public Forum” was held last 23 August 2012 from 10 AM to 12 NN at the Conference Area, Third World Studies Center, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines-Diliman. The forum featured speakers from...

The World System in Crisis: Whither the Third World?
In celebration of its 35th anniversary, the Third World Studies Center (TWSC) presents the public forum, “The World System in Crisis: Whither the Third World?” with Dr. George Aseniero, President of the Amistad Filipino-Cuban Friendship Association. Discussants...

Repression and Toleration of Political Dissent in Contemporary Vietnam: A Lecture by Dr. Benedict Kerkvliet
This lecture entitled, “Repression and Toleration of Political Dissent in Contemporary Vietnam,” was delivered by Dr. Benedict Kerkvliet, Professor Emeritus at the Australian National University and a prominent scholar in Southeast Asian studies. The lecture was held...

The Right to Self-Determination in ASEAN and the Philippines: A Lecture by Dr. Chandra Muzaffar
Co-sponsored by the Focus on the Global South-Philippines, the UP Third World Studies Center (TWSC), and the UP Diliman Department of Political Science, the lecture, “The Right to Self-Determination in ASEAN and the Philippines” was held last November 16, 2011 from 1...

Presentation of the Philippine HSI Study
The project, “Pilot Testing of the Draft Human Security Index in Eight Municipalities in the Philippines” is under the United Nations Development Programme-Conflict Prevention and Peace-Building Programme (UNDP-CPPB) and was undertaken by the UP Third World Studies...

Partnership or Subservience? Reassessing Philippine-U.S. Military Relations
Organized by the Scrap VFA Movement and the UP Third World Studies Center, the public forum “Partnership or Subservience? Reassessing Philippine-U.S. Military Relations” discussed the past struggles to terminate and the prospects of termination of the Visiting Forces...

Citizenship Vigilance from the Grassroots: The Movement for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia: A Public Lecture by Mr. Koul Panha
Organized by the Ramon Magsaysay Foundation and the Third World Studies Center and co-sponsored by the University of the Philippines (UP) Office of the Vice President for Public Affairs, the College of Arts and Letters’ Office of the Dean, the UP Department of...

The B.S. Aquino Administration: Possible Perversities, Perverted Possibilities
Of Churlish Churches and a Sanctimonious State: Will There Ever Be a State of Grace? This is the first forum of the 2011 UP Third World Studies Center (TWSC) Public Forum Series “The B.S. Aquino Administration – Possible Perversities, Perverted Possibilities”...

Defining the Baselines of the Philippines
Held last May 13, 2011 at the Pulungang Claro M. Recto, Faculty Center, UP Diliman and brought to you by the Center for Political and Democratic Reform, Inc., the UP Diliman Department of Political Science, and the UP Third World Studies Center, this symposium...