
The TWSC has a long tradition of research on critical political economy, development issues, democratization, and governance. Research is focused on the search for progressive discourses and alternative paradigms. Guided by the principles of participatory research, the main objectives of the Center’s researches are to develop Third World perspectives on various issues and to translate knowledge generated in order to promote actions for change or to improve existing local actions. Central to this process of knowledge transformation is the role of social movements and civil society, which the Center works closely with.


Kasarinlan: Philippine Journal of Third World Studies

Kasarinlan is an internationally refereed journal published twice a year by the Third World Studies Center, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines-Diliman. It provides a forum for critical and interdisciplinary perspectives on the Philippines and the Third World with special reference to political economy.


The Promise of Tahrir Square

The Promise of Tahrir Square

The Promise of Tahrir Square Lecture 1 Entitled, “Social Movements and Democracy: The Clash of Old and New Social Movements in Egypt,” this is lecture one of ” The Promise of Tahrir Square,” this year’s Social Movements in the South Lecture Tour sponsored by SEPHIS...

The Ethnographies of Two Japanese Maritime Communities

The Ethnographies of Two Japanese Maritime Communities

  Focuses on two maritime communities, Habuminato and Isozaki. Both communities subsist on fishing and seasonally on incomes from tourism. The study concentrates on the social transformations of these communities and, in particualr, on the shift from groups of...

Sama-Sama: Facets of Ethnic Relations in Southeast Asia

Sama-Sama: Facets of Ethnic Relations in Southeast Asia

Brings together six original pieces of research that examine various dimensions of life, society and politics in ethnically plural Southeast Asia. Case studies deal with the Moro in the Philippines, inter-ethnic conflict in Indonesia, cross-border relations between...

The Language of Organizing: A Guidebook for Filipino Organizers

The Language of Organizing: A Guidebook for Filipino Organizers

This collection is the first attempt to comprehensively document and present the language that has evolved among nongovernment organization (NGO) workers; and community, sectoral and political organizers in the course of their efforts to form people's organizations as...

Marxism in the Philippines, Second Series

Marxism in the Philippines, Second Series

The book contains the four lectures delivered in the "Marxism in the Philippines Lecture Series" in 1988. The following are the authors and their essays included in this publication: Armando Malay, Jr., "The Dialectics of Kaluwagan: Echoes of a 1978 Debate"; P.N....