Asian Democracy Review

Asian Democracy Review (ISSN 2244-5633) is the annual peer-reviewed journal of the Consortium for the Asian Democracy Index, a network of research institutes and independent researchers working on the development of the Asian Democracy Index. Apart from the yearly country reports on the conduct of Asian Democracy Index surveys, the journal publishes scholarly papers on democracy and democratization processes in Asia. This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea Grant funded by the Korean Government (NRF-2011-413-B00009).
VOLUME II (2013)
Table of Contents
Editor’s Note
Perlita M. Frago-Marasigan
Democracy of the Desired: Everyday Politics and Political Aspiration in the Contemporary Thai Countryside
Jakkrit Sangkhamanee
Democracy in South Korea, 2012
Junghoon Kim, Hyungchul Kim, Seoungwon Lee, Yooseok Oh, Dongchoon Kim, Youngpyo Seo, Sangchul Yoon, Kyunghee Choi, Hyunyun Cho, Heeyeon Cho
Asian Democracy Index 2012 – Indonesia: Liberalization Minus Equality
Anton Pradjasto, Anna Margret, Dirga Ardiansa, Christina Dwi Susanti, Irwansyah, Inggrid Silitonga, Mia Novitasari, Sri Budi EkoWardani, Wawan Ichwanuddin, Yolanda Panjaitan
The Asian Democracy Index for Malaysia 2012: Authoritarian and Ineffectual Government despite Formal Democratic Institutions
Andrew Aeria, Tan Seng Keat
Regressing, Stagnant, or Progressing? The 2012 CADI Asian Democracy Index Survey in the Philippines
Miguel Paolo P. Reyes, Clarinda Lusterio Berja, Erika M. Rey-Saturay
Methodological Achievements and Limits of the Asian Democracy Index
Clarinda Lusterio Berja